Money / Currency Stock Photography Images

I had my first experience with shooting Macro photography and took the opportunity to shoot some money stock images and they were accepted on the Legacyimagesphotography account. I was using a borrowed Nikkor 105mm Macro Lens that was a great lens…fun to work with, but different than what I have been used to.

I decided to shoot pictures of some money.  I shot images of different currencies, including hundreds, fifties, twenties, and one dollar bills.

Looking through a macro lens at various denominations of currency made me realize how intricate the design of the various bills are.  The US Treasury goes through a lot of effort to make sure that people cannot counterfeit the money and the designs are very cool to look at.

There are new “versions” of different denominations of money that have been released to the public over the last several years that are even cooler than the old versions.

Stock photographs of various money denominations

Money stock photography image

United States Currency (Hundred, fifty and twenty dollar bills).  This stock photograph is available at the following Stock Agencies:

money stock photograph image

Money (Dollar Bills) Stock Photograph Image is available from the following Stock Agencies:

money stock photograph image

Money (Dollar Bills) Stock Photograph Image is available from the following Stock Agencies:

I like the first one the best. The others are a little abstract, but they will work for the creative minds looking for something a little different.

Interestingly, the first image that was downloaded from my micro stock portfolio at was the second image.




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Posted on

January 1, 2015

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