by Dave | Jan 27, 2015 |
The Sinwell Tower is part of the castle in the old town of Nuremberg Germany. The Sinwell tower was built in the 13th century and is named after its cylindrical form (Sinwell in Middle High German is translated “extremely round”). The Sinwell tower...
by Dave | Jan 27, 2015 |
Picture of the sky with clouds in the background. The clouds range from white to grey in color. The blue sky is visible in the upper left hand corner and through the center of the image. This image provides a natural frame for text or other content in the middle of...
by Dave | Jan 26, 2015 |
Image of the Junction I15 interstate sign signifying the junction for Interstate I15 that runs north and south from Montana (terminating on the Canadian border) in the upper northern part of the state, through Idaho and Utah, through the corner of Arizona and then...
by Dave | Jan 26, 2015 |
Image of a vintage typewriter with the keys of the home row visible in the picture. The image contains 23 keys from the normal manual vintage typewriter keyboard. The typewriter is from the early 1900s and so there is some rust on the keys and the letters on the...
by Dave | Jan 26, 2015 |
Picture of an assortment of vegetables associated with healthy eating. Healthy eating is critical to managing your weight as well as the long term quality of life. Vegetables included in the picture are: carrots, tomatoes, asparagus, zucchini, mushrooms, green...